EQUINE RESEARCHERS AT the OVC WANT to hear from you!
You are invited to participate in a new research project entitled: Understanding the biosecurity perspectives of equestrian competition organizers (REB# 21-11-001) (click on the project name to access the information sheet).
Criteria for inclusion/exclusion in the study:
You must satisfy the following criteria to be included in this study:
Be an adult over the age of 18.
Currently have or have previously had a role (in the last 5 years) in organizing one or more
Equestrian Canada sanctioned or unsanctioned equestrian competitions in the province of Ontario.
If you do not fulfill any one of the above-mentioned criteria, you will not be able to participate in this study.
Click here to read about the study and provide consent to participate.
The Equine Network Epidemiology and Biosecurity Team is co-led by Dr. Amy Greer and Dr. Terri O'Sullivan in the Department of Population Medicine. Our Guelph collaborators include Dr. Kelsey Spence, Dr. Charlotte Winder, and Gabrielle Turcotte (PhD student).
You can browse information about our past projects as well as read media stories about our work below.
Investigating the potential for disease spread, prevention, and control in the Ontario Equine Population. Presented by Dr. Kelsey Spence. October 19, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnNJNd2CdN0
“University of Guelph studies barn interactions and disease patterns”. May 15, 2017. American Farriers Magazine. https://www.americanfarriers.com/articles/9167
“University researchers studying horse contact patterns”. April 28, 2017. The Wellington Advertiser. http://www.wellingtonadvertiser.com/comments/index.cfm?articleID=35530
“Connectedness of horse world revealed in study of Canadian dressage show” June 27 2017. Horse Talk Magazine NZ. https://www.horsetalk.co.nz/2017/06/23/connectedness-horse-world-dressage-show/#1vFA0TqSe6GA4koU.99
“RFID unbridles pathogen transmission research”. April 2017. RFID Journal. http://www.rfidjournal.com/articles/view?15956
“Study tracks real-time contact between horses and humans”. March 2017. Horse Talk Magazine NZ. http://www.horsetalk.co.nz/2017/03/27/real-time-contact-horses-humans/#axzz4etu2DCZL
“Using radio frequency identification (RFID) tags to help track horses’ movement and interactions”. March 2017. Equine Guelph. http://www.equineguelph.ca/news/index.php?content=503
“Researcher wants to learn more about horse flu on PEI”. CBC news. October 2016. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-horse-flu-1.3822529
"Disease study maps horses' social life". The Western Producer. June 2016. https://www.producer.com/2016/06/disease-study-maps-horses-social-life/
“How to prevent the spread of equine disease”. Straight from the Horse’s Mouth Radio Show. March 2016. https://www.spreaker.com/user/8091689/equine-guelph-prevent-the-spread-of-equi
“Infectious diseases in a horse show environment”. Equine Guelph Research Radio. June 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmh6nJsKPsQ
“Fighting epidemics by connecting the dots”. The Horse Sport. May 2015. https://horse-canada.com/magazine_articles/horse-show-epidemic/
Peer-reviewed equine research
+ denotes a trainee collaborator
* denotes a trainee under my direct supervision
+Brown, J.N., P. Physick-Sheard, A.L. Greer, and Z. Poljak. (2022). Network analysis of Standardbred horse movements between racetracks in Canada and the United States in 2019: Implications for disease spread and control. Preventive Veterinary Medicine.
*Brankston, G., T.M. *Rossi, T.L. O’Sullivan, and A.L. Greer. (2021). Diagnostic testing patterns for Streptococcus equi equi in Ontario horses during the years 2008- 2018. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research 62 (6): 629-637.
*Brankston, G., A.L. Greer, Q. Marshall, B. Lang, K. Moore, D. Hodgins, and J. Beeler-Marfisi. (2020). Air Quality Health Index and Temperature do not Predict Exacerbation of Mild Equine Asthma in Ontario Horses. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2020.00185
*Rossi, T., R.M. Milwid, A. Moore, T. O’Sullivan, and A.L. Greer. (2020). Descriptive network analysis of a Standardbred training facility contact network: implications for disease transmission. Canadian Veterinary Journal 61 (8):853-859.
*Rossi, T., A. Moore, T. O’Sullivan, and A.L. Greer. (2019) Risk factors for duration of Equine Rhinitis A Virus respiratory disease. Equine Veterinary Journal. doi: 10.1111/evj.13204
*Spence, K., T. O’Sullivan, Z. Poljak, and A.L. Greer. (2019). Descriptive analysis of horse movement networks during the 2015 equestrian season in Ontario, Canada. PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219771. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0219771
*Milwid, R., O’Sullivan, T.L., Poljak, Z., Laskowski, M., and A.L. Greer. (2019). Comparing the effects of non-homogenous mixing patterns on epidemiological outcomes in equine populations: A mathematical modelling study. Scientific Reports 9 (1): 3227.
*Rossi, T., A. Moore, T. O’Sullivan, and A.L. Greer. (2019). Equine Rhinitis A Virus Infection at a Standardbred Training Facility: Incidence, Clinical Signs, and Risk Factors for Clinical Disease. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2019.00071
*Milwid, R., O’Sullivan, T.L., Poljak, Z., Laskowski, M., and A.L. Greer. (2019). Validation of modified radio-frequency identification tag firmware, using an equine population case study. PLOS ONE 14(1): e0210148.
*Milwid, R., O’Sullivan, T.L., Poljak, Z., Laskowski, M., and A.L. Greer. (2019). Comparison of the dynamic networks of four equine boarding and training facilities. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 162: 84-94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2018.11.011
*Spence, K., T. O’Sullivan, Z. Poljak, and A.L. Greer. (2018). A longitudinal study describing horse characteristics and movements during a competition season in Ontario, Canada in 2015. Canadian Veterinary Journal.
*Spence, K., T. O’Sullivan, Z. Poljak, and A.L. Greer. (2018). Using an agent-based modeling approach to determine the potential impact of infection prevention and control measures on a facility-level equine influenza outbreak. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research.
*Spence, K., T. O’Sullivan, Z. Poljak, and A.L. Greer. (2018). Estimating the potential for disease spread in horses associated with an equestrian show in Ontario, Canada using an agent-based model. Preventive Veterinary Medicine.
*Spence, K., T. O’Sullivan, Z. Poljak, and A.L. Greer. (2017). Descriptive and network analyses of the equine contact network at an equestrian show in Ontario, Canada and the application to potential disease transmission. BMC Veterinary Research 13:191.