Reilly's Current Research

Fresh off his PhD work studying the networks of between-herd dairy cow movements in Ontario, Reilly is now working as a Post-Doc to apply these methods to assess the ‘what if’ scenarios associated with the introduction of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza into Ontario through imported dairy cattle. This involves a descriptive analysis of dairy cow imports from the United States to better understand where targetted surveillance may be more effective and efficient in Ontario. Future work will include mathematical modelling of within-herd transmission of H5N1 to assess the risk of spillover between dairy cattle and farm workers.

Riley's Current Research

This edition of the blog post is focused on team member Riley, who is entering the 2nd year of his PhD candidacy after completing his qualifying exams in the winter semester. Riley’s research consists of examining the impact of environmental and ecological factors influencing the current outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza – H5N1 on poultry farms in Canada, and has been recently accepted to present this research at the upcoming World One Health Congress hosted in Cape Town, South Africa.